Sir Peter starts as Lord.


Early Summer, Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin finally arrive at Castle Gorge at Turain.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh finds both sisters very attracktive, but Sir Leonard is still very nervous. Standing before Sir Stephan and Lady Gaynor Fern of Turain, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, he asks for one of the twins hand, if one of them will marry him.

The Ladies Maritha and Samantha of Turain starts gigling, and to break the imbarishment, Sir Benjamin added, he'll take them borh, if none of the twins want his brother, and the twins starts gigling again.

Sir Stephan and Lady Gaynor Fern of Turain decides, the Malbourghian brothers can spend some time with the twin-ladies of Turain under survivery of their brother Sir Peter of Turain. so they can decide, if they want the brothers as their husband.

Sir Peter of Turain protests. They cannot go around kissing like that before they are married.

Lady Maritha kisses Sir Peter of Turain and asks him to shut up.

Midsummer, Hayley Locky is thrilled by helping Sir Peter of Turain searching for Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain find, Sir Peter of Turain, Hayley and Ruddy Locky and Sills Mayson armed with bow and arrows.

They ride of toward The Cursed Horn.

At the base of the horn, they meet up with, Finley Mayson, Sir Ethan of Turain and Dawley Mayberry armed with bows and arrows from Turain Town.

They make a bomfire, and start shooting fire arrows after the harpies to scare them away.

Late Summer, When Lady Maritha of Turain recovered from her vound, she spends the rest of the summer with her sister, Lady Samantha of Turain, and Sir Benjamin and Leonard of Malbourgh.

Though, Sir Peter of Turain is still supposed to guard over the couples, he have fallen in love with Hayley Locky, so he failed his durty.

Sills Mayson and Janis Baker is guarding them too, and that keeps them apart throgh the night.


Early Spring, Lady Samantha of Turain have their oncle and aunt Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud to excord her and Lady Maritha of Turain to Malbourgh. Their brother, Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky, follows them too.

Late Spring, Sir Ethan of Turain unexspectably arrives at Malbourgh Castle with the Turainian twins together with their crew: Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud, Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky, and their bodyguard Ruddy Locky and Sills Mayson, whom have his fiancee, Janis Baker, and demands a place to stay until the wedding.

At the twinwedding, The twinsister have their younger brother, Sir Peter of Turain, and his fiancee Hayley Locky and her brother, Ruddy Locky as their bodyguard.

Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh have Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha installed in two interconnecting suites, each with a room for the guards at The Crowned Liom.

Lady Maritha has Sills Mayson and Jenis Baker as guard and Lady Samantha has Ruddy Locky as guard.

When Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky come to inspect the guards of the Turainian twin-ladies, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh gets a message from Slim Bellerby.

Early Summer Hence, Finly Dade performes for Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha, Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha, Lady Valerie and Pete Barta, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky.

After the show Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh follows Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky home to Malbourgh Castle.

Midsummer When the rumour of the early arrival of the Turainian twins to Malbourgh, their family start to arrive at Malbourgh too.

The uncle and aunt of the twins, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon arrive with their cousins Sir Thomas of Wondon and Lady Stefanie with her fiancee David Smith, who is their bodyguard too, and the other oncle and aunt of the twins, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their Children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern, arrive together, as the Guttrician had traveled throgh Wondon and Grossbourgh to bypass the mountains of Lewinton with their bodyguard, Abe Walden.

Each family gets their own suite at The Crowmed Lion.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Turain are entertaining Sir William, Lady Marisa, Sir Thomas, Lady Stefanie and David Smith of Wondon, and Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson, Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric.

On the day of the Midsummer Concert, at an other table for the brides, Lady Maritha and Samantha of Turain with their uncle and aunt, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain, and their brother Sir Peter of Turain with his girlfriend Hayley Locky, and their Guards, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker and Ruddy Lock.

The father of Niel Hauck, Roger Hauck, will be serving this table.

After supper, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden enters the stage, and start play music.

Sir Peter Hurries to grab Hayley Locky and takes her to the dance Floor, where they are dancing and cuddling.

At the break, Moira Liebermann hugs Sir Benjamin of Lewinton and leaves her seat to Lady Maritha of Turain, so he can sit next to Lady Maritha of Turain. Silas Combler leaves his place to her guard, Sills Mayson and leaves together with Moira Liebermann. Conrad Combler leaves his place to Jenis Baker, and moves to her old place, at the other table.

When Sir Gareth of Lewinton start dancing, Sills Mayson, Jenis Baker, Sir George Fern, Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Ethan of Turain, Sharon Turain, Sir William, Lady Marisa of Wondon, Lady Stefanie of Wondon, David Smith, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Lady Samantha of Turain, Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky quikly start dancing together.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh giggly goes dancing and cuddling with Kari Bellerby.

Slim Bellerby goes to Conrad Combler and asks him to dance.

Charles Riggs leaves the children's table approaching the table of Etta Combler, to asks her to dance with him, but Chantelle Wood siftly blocks his away, and Etta Combler excapes to the table of Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and starts dancing with him.

Hence, Charles Riggs takes Chantelle Wood out for dancing.

Next morning, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain leaves their nephew, Sir Peter of Turain, sleeping with his girlfriend, Hayley Locky.

While Sharon of Turain makes their children, Annika and Gielgud redy for breakfast, Sir Ethan goes to see his niece, Lady Maritha of Turain.

Early on morning of the weddings, Sir Ethan of Turain is kissing his wife, Sharon Turain, and his children, Annika and Gielgud, goodmorning, while he let his nephew Sir Peter of Turain sleep with his lovewr, Hayley Locky, before he do a check on the twins.


Midsummer, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain arrive at Wondon with their Children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky, and their bodyguards Sills Mayson and Janis Baker.

The Turainians make a short stop at The Lamp at Templeton Before continuing to Wondon Castle.

Since Lady Stefany Reise is staying at Wonden Tower with Lady Stefanie of Wonden, Sir Ethan of Turain are staying at the old apartment of Lady Stefany close to his sister Lady Marisa of Wondon at the Castle.

Sharon Turain is staying with Sir Ethan of Turain with their Children, Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee Hayley Locky as bodyguard.

Late Summer at Wondon Tower, Sir Ethan of Turain and his wife, Sharon Turain, arrive from Wonden Castle with their Children Annika and Gielgud Turain. Sir Peter of Turain is with them, and his girlfriend, Hayley Locky, is working as bodyguard for them all.

At Wonden Town, Annika Turain had teamed up with Claire Wharton, who traveled with her father, Kirk Wharton, from whom Lady Stefanie and David Smith got their wedding dresses.

When wedding ceromony is over, Abe and Selina Walden, Finly Dade, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens starts the music.

Lady Josephine of Guttric starts dancing with Flynn Flower and Sir Peter of Turain dances with Hayley Locky.

Hayley Locky sees her brother, Ruddy Locky, kissing and cuddling Moyo Wardon in front of his boyfriend, Finly Dade and gets curious.

Hayley Locky leads Sir Peter of Turain closer to Ruddy Locky and Moyo Wardon dancing, and she asks her brother, what's going on?

Hayley Locky suggest, Sir Peter of Turain and Moyo Wardon shall dance with each other, while she talks with her brother, Ruddy Locky.

When Moyo Wardon and Sir Peter of Turain come dancing close to an intoxicated Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric who is dancing Maya Reise, Moyo Wardon decides to try make Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric jaloux by kissing Sir Peter of Turain in order to win Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric back.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric is tu busy snuggling Maya Reise to notice Moyo Wardon, but Sir Peter of Turain likes Moyo Wardon's kissing and starts kissing Moyo Wardon intimately.

Hayley Locky notice Sir Peter of Turain and Moyo Wardon kissing passionately, and jump up to smack Moyo Wardon.

A bit intoxicated, Moyo Wardon strikes back at Hayley Locky.

At Wonden Town the companions are splitting up:

Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens are sleeping at home.

Kirk and Claire Wharton is going to sleep at the sister of Kirk Wharton, Rosalin Warren at The Old Witch.

Claire Wharton and Annika Turain agrees to meet again next day.

Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky, Abe and Selina Walden and their son, Dawe are supposed to have a room at The Old Witch too, but since they all were arguing over Moyo Wardon, Ruddy and Hayley Locky have a room for them self.

Sir William and Marisa of Wonden, Ernest and Lady Philomena Flower and the sheriff, Richie Rowan Brant and Sir Ethan of Turain and his wife, Sharon and their Children Annika and Gielgud Turain, Sir Peter of Turain continue to the castle.




Sir Stephan of Turain dies and Sir Peter of Turain becomes the new lord of Turain.


Sir Peter drowned in a flod.